Friday, January 25, 2008

I am not normal

It seems that some people with disabilities want people see them as normal. They want to be seen as normal people who just do things differently then everyone else. I for one am NOT normal. In this case I am defining normal as what most people in society are. In our society most people are Neurotypical (NT), that is someone who isn't autistic. My ways of experiencing the world are not the norm. My body language and facial expressions are not the norm. My behaviors are not the norm. I am not a normal person and I don't wish to be seen as one.

Being normal is to much hassle. Being normal requires me to do things which are abnormal for me. Being normal requires me to stop doing things which are normal for me. Being normal requires me to put forth extra effort to do things that come easily for normal people.

I am not a normal person, so don't treat me like one. Treat me like a unique individual. Take the time to get to know me. Take the time to get to know about the issues I deal with because of my disability. Don't assume that because "you read a book on asperger's" or "my friends brother has asperger's" that you know about asperger's and what I have to deal with. Most importantly, if you don't know, ASK!

I am not normal. I never have been and I never will be. And I am proud of it!

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